Friday, March 1, 2013

Fixing Windows Errors: What Could Have Been Done?

Are you one of those people who have experienced their computer freezing but did not have any idea about fixing windows errors and so they ended up bringing their almost dead computers to a computer specialist? Well, if you are, then you must have known how expensive it is. These days when things get too expensive, people think twice about having their computers fixed and they end up dealing with the problem from time to time.

When this happens, usually people feel disappointed not at themselves for not giving much attention the needs of their computer but on the computer unit that could not withstand the errors in its system. Fixing windows errors could really be a challenge but if you are willing to learn how to do it, then it is as easy as learning the basic ABCs.

Most problems in computer systems are caused by two things: Perhaps it can be caused by an existing file in the system that has been corrupted and it is causing the back up in all the other programs installed in the computer system. Or perhaps it could be caused by a lot of programs in the computer that have been damaged because of the new ones that have been installed. Whichever cause the problem in the system of your computer, it is important to look at it closely and make sure that it can still be fixed. Fixing windows errors is very easy especially if you want to save on computer costs and the costs that need to be covered because your computer technician charged too much.

Here is a good way to start fixing windows errors:

Check out your files. When the computer system is having problems, usually, it is cause by a corrupted file or program. Look into those that you have saved and installed in your computer because one of them is causing the problem. Once you are able to pin down the search and identified the file, you can be assured that the fixing that will come after would be very easy. Then, get yourself a recovery program. Fixing windows errors requires you to have a recovery program that is compatible to the version of windows that you have. When you've got this, it will be easy for you to clean the whole system and make your computer run like its new. Start the scan of your computer and then at the end of it, you can find a list of errors and problems that need your attention and you can work that out.

Taking the first step is always the answer to fixing windows errors because the more you deny that there is a systems problem, the more it will worsen. Work on it now.

Are You Killing Your Beautiful Dream?

And the real sad part is that the people involved give in to their fears and kill their beautiful dream. Any chance of experiencing a fulfilled happy life, of living the life they truly want, evaporates.

Just why do people kill their dreams?

I want to share with you a true story to illustrate what's happening here.

Recently, I met up with a good friend of mine for a drink. I hadn't seen her for a while and was looking forward to meeting up. Nikkie is a very talented dancer who's never happier than when she's dancing. When I last saw her, she was buzzing with excitement about 2 stage shows she was performing in and told me of her plans to finish her IT degree course then move to London to pursue her dancing professionally. Eventually, she'd manage her own studio and teach.

What a great dream, yes? Dancing and performing for a living, then teaching the art to others. Beats the 9-5 rat race, doesn't it?

Her eyes sparkled and she had a real buzz about her. Have you ever felt this way about something? Passion! A constant, unwavering, motivating, inspiring PASSION. Believe me, it is something I love to find in people. People who feel this way about their dream crackle with energy and are busy living life.

I couldn't wait to hear how her plans were progressing and how her shows had gone. Yes, she is attractive, but what attracted me the most was her passion for her dream. Passion is contagious!

OK, get the tissues ready because here's the sad news:

We met and I knew instantly something had changed. She told me about how hard her exams had been but she'd obtained her degree. "Well done, now, what's happening with your dancing? How did the shows go?"

She replied that the shows were fine and then knocked me for 6: "I've decided not to pursue dancing now. I've started a graduate management training scheme and I'm going to have a career in IT instead."

I tried and tried to talk her into pursuing her dream but the buzz had gone. She'd always said the degree was just for back up in case things didn't work out with her dancing. I reminded her of this and she said, resignedly: "things have changed. Dancing will just be for fun now."

At the root of her decision is fear. The usual fear excuses were all trotted out:

"It's so difficult to break in to the top level."

"I'd have to move away from home and I'd miss my family too much. Besides, I'd be on my own in a big city."

"There's much more money in IT."

I told her others had overcome the first two therefore, she could. But the last one is the real key. I had a fantastic career in IT - I still love working with computers, always have. Conversely, Nikkie had worked for 6 weeks last summer in an office and HATED EVERY SECOND of it. She was bored, didn't like being indoors and it wasn't active enough for her. And now, with a degree firmly in her hand, she's willing to sell-out on her dream to do something she hates purely for money and security. She isn't the first to kill her dream for these reasons and she sure won't be the last.

I feel sorry for her. Because now she'll never know how far she could've got as a dancer. Maybe one day she'll return to it and teach and I really hope she does. But it won't be as the wonderfully fulfilled person who gave everything for her dream and experienced true fulfilment, tremendous satisfaction and the greatest reward of all: the happiness that comes from achieving success having overcome challenge after challenge.

Yes, going for a dream is real tough. There will be endless hours of work and effort. Years of dedication, tears of frustration, setbacks, knocks, sticking points and failures. That's the price demanded by success. But my lord is it worth every single second of it when finally, the day dawns when your efforts start to bear fruit. It's a very special feeling, the biggest buzz you or I can ever have.

Your dream is special. You don't need anyone's approval for it, you don't need to make excuses for it and you don't need to be frightened of it. Embrace it. Commit to it. I promise you, you will not regret it no matter what happens. But if you give-up on it, if you kill it, well...

I'll leave you with the same words I said to Nikkie as we said our goodbyes:

"As the years pass, age will bring you time to reflect on your life. If you live a dream your memories will bring you joy and comfort. If you betray it, the memory of your betrayal will haunt you because you'll never know how high you could've flown. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Please don't give up on your dream."

Beautiful dreams die everyday. Nikkie killed hers. Please don't kill yours too.

See you next time.

How to Stop Contradicting Your Affirmations

Affirmations are often thought of as feel-good statements, and they certainly should be; but if you have little to no belief that there is truth to a statement, Law of Attraction will perform perfectly and you will wonder why the shift or result you desire is not happening.

An affirmation states something is a truth, no matter what has happened before. This gets tricky because if you believe the past as true evidence or proof (rather than a result of your beliefs and thoughts), it can be a challenge to believe the affirmation over the false proof that demonstrated otherwise.

Stating and repeating an affirmation that your inner voice contradicts means, without realizing it, you just affirmed (stated as a fact) the contradiction as your reality . . . not the original affirmation.

"As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee," explains exactly how Law of Attraction works. It doesn't say as you hope or wish, but as you believe. If you state an affirmation and return to struggling as before, you miss the point. Law of Attraction works for you to the degree you believe it can or does.

It is vital that you replace an old belief that no longer serves you (and this includes what you call facts) with the energy vibration of what you now claim as your new reality. Even starting by believing in the possibility it can be your reality has a higher vibration than believing it cannot. You can hold the vibration of new possibilities and outcomes of the affirmation as your truth.

Believing doesn't mean have a belief as much as it means have faith. Faith comes from true knowing, from knowing the Truth. Spirit is an absolute presence in your life because it is All That Is and all you are. Law of Attraction is a force, a tool, and it works without fail by matching your vibrations. Spirit uses Law of Attraction to receive and respond to your requests and as the means to allow you to self-evolve. But even Spirit follows the Law and responds in direct proportion to what you believe and how much you believe it.

Belief comes from intellect; faith comes from absolute trust in the Truth of Spirit and that Law of Attraction works every time. It is a feeling. It is a knowing as a result of having a genuine, ongoing relationship with Spirit and conscious use of the Law. Ask yourself what such a relationship looks and feels like to you. If this is not your current experience, ask Spirit to show you how to make it so and how to understand Law of Attraction. Your request will be answered.

And remember: beliefs change; truths never do.

Claiming Compensation for Harassment at Work

Harassment is an unfortunate by product of the society that we live in and is frequently encountered by us in the course of every day life. This may typically be found in work situations, but it need not be confined to this, and many of us are, unfortunately, deliberately harassed in our social and domestic lives.

Notably, it is possible to recover damages for harassment that is received in all of these situations without the need to have suffered any injury as a result.

The usual requirements for an action for harassment to succeed are that the victim must have been the recipient of conduct which;-

Is targeted at the person who receives that conduct; Occurs on at least two occasions; Is objectively calculated to cause the victim distress; and, Is objectively considered to be oppressive and unreasonable.

It is enough simply to have suffered anxiety as a result of this behaviour for this to constitute harassment and for damages to be awarded or agreed to compensate for any distress and financial losses incurred.

Typically, awards can be made in a range from £500 up to £25,000, although these are by no means the only sums that can be awarded.

It is not necessary, as with most personal injury claims, for your claim to be commenced within three years of sustaining the injury. Claims under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 must usually be commenced within six years of the harassment being received. This is particularly important in circumstances where the victim has not been confident enough to bring the claim in the immediate period after the harassment has been received.

The Protection From Harassment Act 1997 was recently applied to civil claims for harassment in the workplace. It is not just employees who are protected, but anyone, such as a customer or supplier, even a client.

Closer interpretation has led to the law being applied to situations outside the workplace, with a recent decision awarding a Claimant an overall sum of £35,000 as a result of the utter misery that she incurred through being bullied by her mother in law over a period of four months.

Bullying and harassment are not situations which must be endured silently, or only stopped through criminal proceedings or when injury has been sustained. The law is changing and protection exists through your right to work compensation in the civil courts.

Starting A Playing Card Collection

Collecting playing cards is a hobby that gives prestige making them as important as artworks to be treasured & preserved. These cards have existed since the middle of 1300s. I'm sure there were individuals who were already enthralled with the artistic quality & folk lore behind them that compelled them to start a collection.

Playing cards made in the US are impressive collector's items because they are part of print & lithograph history. Their usual subjects are social trends, historic events & advertisements for customary products of the period.

Cards have always provided entertainment during gatherings or boredom, and even relieved tension for a lot of people all around the world.

As with any collection, the condition of the item is one gauge for its value. Let us tackle the system of grading these cards as developed by Gene Hochman.

"As Issued" meant it is in mint condition, the deck is fully complete including jokers and extra cards with the original package used when released in the market. It may not have been opened with the wrapper & box intact.

"Mint" is when the deck is fully complete, no traces of usage, the box are still intact but there are no more wrappers.

"Excellent" meant the deck is mostly complete and slightly used; the condition is still good, even the gold edges in the cards are still intact.

"Good" condition meant the deck is fully complete with signs of maximum usage but the deck is still in good shape enough to fit into the original box.

"Poor" is when the deck is swollen out of shape that it won't fit into the original box. It is either bent, with frayed corners, bad creases, heavy soiling, and other signs of abuse.

"With Faults" is a deck that falls into the mint or good condition but has faults like a missing card, or damage in one of the cards, or torn/missing box.

There are hundreds of designs and kinds of playing cards and many have survived the passing of time. You can start a collection by hunting around the house or telling friends & family about it. You may find decks that are still complete but may already been used or not stored correctly. These cards may not be valuable to serious collectors but there are collectors who have their own criteria for collection such as a particular color, cartoon characters, countries, finishes, and many more. Try joining collector clubs and conventions for it can also help through swapping.

Small Kitchen Design - Everything You Need to Know

If you've only got a tight space to work in and want to achieve a small kitchen design that really works, then there are a few things you've got to remember.

Firstly, think about how much space you've actually got and be realistic when considering the things you want from your kitchen. A small space by no means has to be a disappointment but you might just have to make some small sacrifices along the way.

The key to small kitchen design is to ensure you create an environment that can house all of your appliances and allow you to work efficiently - that must always be your basic criteria.

Just because you've got a small kitchen, don't let the fundamentals of kitchen design slip. The triangle theory still stands up, so you ensure you group your most frequently used appliances and surfaces in that shape if possible.

The next obstacle you have to overcome is the issue of storage. On the plus side, designing a small kitchen takes most of your options away from you in terms of where you can put things, but it's useful to come up with a few clever solutions.

Finally, make sure if you're not particularly adept at DIY that you get skilled professionals to carry out the work. In small kitchen design this becomes even more imperative, as everything needs to be measured up and fitted precisely.

Like any large job that needs doing, make sure you get a couple of quotes to drive the price down. Even if you're not the best haggler, make sure you let the various companies know you're getting a number of estimations.

Following all of these tips will ensure you get a small kitchen that packs a massive punch.

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